dear ray,

wow, happy birthday ray! today’s march 31st, your very special day. if you’re seeing this, that means you’ve gotten through my little test. i love you a lot, keep that in mind. okay let me start with my message.

birthdays are meant to be special, it’s the day one is born after all. i hope that your birthday today is very special, just as you deserve. to be able to be here to catch your birthday in time is already such an honor. though, i wish i could’ve done more but i’m limited by the distance between us. so, knowing that you dabble in ICT, i decided to make you a website as a birthday present! this whole website seems very simple but nevertheless, i hope that you’ll enjoy this meager attempt of a present.

why go through all the effort to make you this gift, especially knowing that i’m no expert in coding? well, it’s because i wanted to. i wanted to show you that you mean a lot to me, and so i’d go through the effort of learning something i’m unfamiliar with just to make you a gift i think you’d like. i wanted to align it with something you’re more aligned with but… i’m sorry i really don’t know what it is! although, i will acknowledge that some of the code here are outsourced because i just couldn't get how they worked in the span of a week...

so yeah, fun fact! i’ve actually been planning this a week prior! maybe if i gave myself more time, i'd be able to truly make these from scratch. i feel guilty knowing that this isn't all from my own hands, that some of this is outsourced. i hope you can forgive me for that.

i can say with my entire being that you’re an absolute wonder to be around. you’re like a star dazzling in the sea of desolation. sometimes i’m led to believe that meeting you was fate. corny, but it’s true… who would’ve known that that private account who once followed me on main would become one of my closest friends? requesting to follow you back was one of the decisions i would forever hold close to my heart because it led me to knowing you.

this past year, you’ve made a major impact in my life. you’ve been a constant presence, always there during my highs and lows. you listened to me, you never judged me. you mean a lot to me, a lot more than some of the people i know in real life. i hope that with this webpage gift, i can show you even just a fraction of the lengths i would go for you.

happy 18th birthday ray, i love you!

your kae